Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Reflection 2#

This lesson was mostly about a pre-check of our blog just before the big check the one that will be counted the most out of all. 
Soon the Create criteria will be posted I hope my invention is admired with a fair dudgement

Reflection and Evalution

After this Plan I really saw how much I did through out this project. Starting from the Investigation finishing on the Create although I'm still not done with the create but soon will. I also saw that in the planning it seemed like a few steps however on the posts the real amount of work that had to be done really is shown. The comparison I think is the specific point I like most out of the whole planning purpose. I'm also looking forward for my viewers to see that and to let them have a summarized of what I have done. For this criteria I put a lot effort into it a looked over my requirement made sure to mention them to not leave anything behind and most all make it perfect. I hope this criteria will be liked.

Reflection 1#

Today's lesson was about finishing some details that weren't finished and also perfecting and using some ideas from our peers to finalize and finish off what we have started.

Plan Task

Time Lines for each criteria of what will be done:

Plan for Investigation:
Plan for Design:
Plan for Plan:
Plan for Create:

Soft Ware and Hard Ware that has been used through out the project:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reflection on Design 2#

We are finally completely done with the Design Task, and now getting ready for the Plan. If any concerns or question about the design criteria please see the link below.

Plan here I come!!!