Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Investigate Task

Introduction: For this project my product will be looking at different type of sports shoes. The sports that the shoes will apply to will range from, invasion games (e.g. basketball or foot ball) or single person sports (e.g. racing or cross country). I would like to design, or at least get somewhere near the perfection of the shoes that apply to these sports. This is due to the fact, every time they bring out a bran new shoe, it is said  it is perfect however after a while there is a new and again it is said to be the best. However since this factor is in the way, no person will ever be able to design the one and only sports shoe, however we can always try our best and create the perfect shoe that will be the best over some period of time. This is my goal, to achieve it I will question my peers through a specific questionnaire one what sport they most encounter and what they look at in a perfect basketball shoe, this will then be the area i will focus mostly on. However this shoe must also have impact in my life.

My target audience: My target audience will include men and women, from ages 12-14 ( these ages apply to the grade 9)

The Three Sports to choose from, the sport picked will impact on the shoe specification:
  • Foot Ball
  • Basket Ball
  • Cross Country 
The reasons I have looked at these specific sports, is because they are the most common ones encountered in Dubai, as also in my daily life:

  • Foot Ball: Foot Ball is a very common sport, each school has there own football team, each person has there own favorite foot ball player, also there own favorite equipment, which mostly include the shoe. In my daily life foot ball is not an essential sport, as I am not a football player, however I still do enjoy it. After this short reflection on whether this shoe is important to me, I think I won't be designing this shoe, however this decision is still to be made.
  • Basket Ball: Basket Ball is a tremendously popular sport in our grade, however not only in our grade also in the all wide city. However it is very  popular due the fact it is being the main topic of the Physical Education Unit and so even if you don't play it on a daily basis you still get to play at least 2 times week with your team. This is the reason that most likely I will be picking this for my chosen sport. However this decision is not final.
  • Cross Country: Cross country is a decently popular sport, encountered in Dubai, this is mostly due to the numerous amount of places to run, either, around lakes, sidewalks, sand places or sometimes even grassy places, and who would not take the chance. My age group meaning my group, has done and is doing this frequently and this would be a could sport to focus, because the show would have to apply to all different environments. This shoe might be or might not the chosen one.
Choosing My Idea: Through the past sport analysis I have been saying that the decision is not yet final, this is because I have yet to examine the results front he questionnaire that was used to achieve different opinions about the different sports as well as the different specification the person is looking in a professional sport shoe.

My questionnaire started from a general question about sports, and then going into to shoe specifics. After this questionnaire gets answered I will able to start investigating specific shoes on specific features. I interviewed 30 people.

These are the tables and graphs representing my results

My final choice has been made. I will investigate Foot Ball Shoes looking mostly at Accessories/Movements. I have made this choice from the survey answers I got and my own

3 Evaluations of already existing shoe designs, from different brands

 Qr Code Leading to the Website


Qr Code Leading to the Website

Qr Code Leading to the Website

3 Evaluations of existing  methods of Advertisement


Reflecting on this Advertisement:
  • Very nice display layout
  • Usage of pictures, text and color frames to compose an eye catching brochure
  • Quick and eye catching homepage 
  • At some points a bit to much text, however effectively supported by pictures and diagrams
  • Over all great but more pictures and limitation of text would make it perfect

Reflecting on this Advertisement:
  • Great usage of pictures
  • Perfect picture and text displacement to attract the customers
  • Good way to mention a bonus to the meal by just letting it flow right in the side of leaflet
  • Red writing always telling us something important
  • More text would be also good however in this case it is not that needed
  • Over all it is a perfect advert for this type of company however in different cases I would suggest using more text
Company Card

Reflecting on this Advertisement:
  • Good use of company significant prizes won
  • Proof of significant prizes 
  • Contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses missing, which decreases the card value a lot
  • Name of bets staff could all be mentioned
  • Overall okay but could be way more better, especially by including the contact information